You feel lucky, punk

Finished up the Colt .45 model I've been working on. Super happy with the results of the normals and the texture came out really well I think. I watched the Digital Tutors video on this, but deviated at the end to make a more precise version. I'll be texturing this in Mari later as well to see how the program compares to using dDo.

Check it out in my Props section.

After Effects UI

I wanted to expand my knowledge and brush up on my After Effects skills, so I decided to make an animated UI for one of the props in my Sci-Fi Hallway. Learned a ton about expressions and found this really neat preset called DKOscillator. Super helpful for making UI elements repeat without having to keyframe every little movement.

Not 100% happy with the way it turned out, but I think the basic idea is there and if this were to become a functional UI it would be much better. For now it is just a looping animation. The great thing is that I managed to get it into UE4 using a flipbook texture sheet; well 4 to be exact.

Sci-Fi Hallway almost done

This piece is really starting to take shape. Finally got all the pieces into Unreal and now I just need to finish up some of the texturing. I've got the door animating but having some trouble getting the blueprint to actually trigger the animations. Hopefully I can render out a video when all is said and done so we can see this bad boy in action.

Learned a ton about dDo this go around and reaffirmed my love of nDo for generating tertiary details on the normal maps. Was fighting with the Quixel Suite for a while, but I think I've got the workflow down now. Well, at least I've got a general idea of what to do. Might not be a perfect workflow, but that will come with more practice.

UE4 Screenshots

Involute Gears

Check it out, made some actual working gears. Started in Illustrator, then imported the Vectors into Max, Animated with Wire Parameters and then had some fun with After Effects.

Animated Gears in 3DS Max Playing around with some After Effects.

Copyright © 2021, C.Gabriel Maung. All rights reserved.